
Index Options


Index Options

  • This Product is based on the Idea of Execution of Signals Derived in underlying Index Futures such as Nifty and BankNifty
  • The Universe for this product is Indices and is completely rule-based in approach
  • Further, a Volume Filter is applied in the overall universe to reduce slippage
  • The idea is to capture the momentum in the underlying derivative and apply it to Options
  • We Prefer ATM or ITM Options. OTM Options are preferred in Volatility directional breakout, Not more than +/- 1Std.
  • Along with other strong technical parameters that we inculcate in our method,
    we use Volatility, OI and Price.
  • Based on technical parameters the stock will be picked with proper position size and keeping risk management in check.
  • Classic Tools such as RSI, and MA are used in Multi-time frame analysis.
  • Minimum Capital Required is 50K in Options Trading.
  • We recommend 15 – 20 Trading Recommendations in a Month
  •  Quarterly – 20500/- and Monthly – 7000/- (Excluding GST)
      Index Options 10349/-
Save 23% Rs. 115 Per Day
Save 33% Rs. 100 per Day
Save 40% Rs 90 Per Day

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    Contact Us

       Block 8, Flat number 802, My Home Avatar,
    Narsingi, Hyderabad, Telangana – 500032
       +91-99002 87333


    “Rule – based, Systematic and Disciplined approach is the way forward”