
Stock Options


Stock Options

This product is for options trader focused on harnessing leverage with strict risk management. Stock options analysis is done on the underlying security and then same is shared as analysis using ATM/ITM strikes to replicate the underlying instrument. 

Salient Features

  • This Product is based on the Idea of Execution of Signals Derived in underlying Stocks in NSE F&O
  • The Universe for this product is Stocks in NSE F&O and is completely rule-based in approach
  • Further, a Volume Filter is applied in the overall universe to reduce slippage
  • The idea is to capture the momentum in the underlying derivative and apply it to Options
  • We Prefer ATM or ITM Options. OTM Options are preferred in Volatility directional breakout, Not more than +/- 1Std.
  • Along with other strong technical parameters that we inculcate in our method,
    we use Volatility, OI and Price.
  • Based on technical parameters the stock will be picked with proper position size and keeping risk management in check.
  • Classic Tools such as RSI, and MA are used in Multi-time frame analysis.
  • Minimum Capital Required is 50K in Options Trading.
  • We recommend 15 – 20 Trading Recommendations in a Month

Past Performance

Save 23% Rs. 115 Per Day
Save 33% Rs. 100 per Day
Save 40% Rs 90 Per Day

Quick Inquiry

    Contact Us

       Block 8, Flat number 802, My Home Avatar,
    Narsingi, Hyderabad, Telangana – 500032
       +91-99002 87333


    “Rule – based, Systematic and Disciplined approach is the way forward”